Artist's Block- Same thing as Writer's Block which we are all familiar with, Artist's Block is something you don't want to run into EVER. But all creative people eventually do. Whether you're painting, drawing, making a pattern or writing a paper for school; all of us need our creative thinking to be in high gear to make something of value.
My living is based on my creativity and I can say it is hard to stay creative and not just fall into a rut of making the same thing over and over. Sometimes I may just make things that aren't quite up to my standards. I know I've experienced this loads of times and had to take apart or just start completely over with a project. (Just ask Rozena, she has seen my "To Be Finished/I Threw This Against the Wall" drawer.) I never let these pieces out until they've been properly yelled at and reworked....
Ahhh...but there's hope. One thing I have found to keep this at a minimum is to be in the Great Outdoors. Just sticking your bare feet on the grass can do wonders. I find that studying the Greatest Artist helps me to stay creative myself. I have pulled out my phone to take a picture of a sunset that had a great color palate that helped me blend my colors better, thrown rocks down a river to take out frustration only to be inspired by the shapes of them and figured out a new way to weave a necklace. Like the one shown here: "Wisdom" Owl Necklace

It's not always oooh aaaaah I was just inspired!! Sometimes it's just about being, just relaxing with the people you care about or on your own. Don't underestimate this time. We live in a culture that doesn't play outside all day until street lights come on (honestly it's just not safe for our children to do this anymore), and most of our shopping is done in a large mall rather than at an outdoor market, and a lot of our human contact is done virtually. So now we must make time to enjoy outside, I'm just sayin' that dirt!
In Cincinnati, where I live, it's been raining like crazy! Getting outside is difficult. So this week I enjoyed a trip to Krohn Conservatory where the Brazilian Butterfly Show is currently going on through June. Just fantastic!
So that's what I do to get rid of Artist's Block... the Power of Nature! Hope it helps you if you give it a try. :)
Nothing better than bare feet on the ground! Awesome blog Lindsay! :)
ReplyDeleteGreat advice and thanks for sharing.